In President Obama's first 2 full days in office he seems to have shown that his priorities are messed up.
Exhibit A: His first executive order was nothing but political posturing. This order froze the pay of his top administration officials. These officials at that time had been on the job less than 24 hours, what exactly could they have done to deserve the consideration of a raise in that time? This made him look like he was getting tough on the economic problems without actually having to do anything of substance. If he really wanted to do something why not create some tax-free holidays, lower the tax rate on small business', or issue some type of stimulas package?
Exhibit B: His next day in office, again before doing anything of substance for the American people he issued another executive order to stop the trials of foreign terrorist/freedom fighters/soldiers and close Guantanamo Bay. President Obama said during the campaign that it may take him up to a year to deside what to do with Guantanamo Bay but he seems to have managed to make the choice within 48 hours of taking the oath of office. I wonder how much of that decision was made for him by the people who supported him during the campaign calling in favors. Estimates are that with this closure at least 100 detainee's will be released, the remaining detainee's to be put on trials within the US. So people whatever you choose to call them who were captured taking up arms against our soldiers, without uniforms are going to be released with no trial, or given a trial within the country they wished ill.
If you look up the definition of a soldier in Section one of part 3 of protocol 1 of the Geneva Convention you'll see that they must distinguish themselves from the civilian population. These detainee's didn't do that and thus aren't covered and should be treated as the terrorists they are.