Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A nation in need of change

Today the US watched another president sworn in (either the 44th by traditional counting, or the 51st if you count all of them.) But we also watched as the out-going president was boo'ed and sung "na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey good-bye" to him. Regardless of how you feel about former President Bush that is not an acceptable way to treat him.

President Obama talks about uniting the political sides, yet I've not to see him doing anything to heal the wounds that are killing this nation. He's had 2 months already as President-Elect, despite his promises against a "revolving door of lobbyist" in the administration has now invited William Corr a federal lobbyist with the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids until Sept 2008 to be deputy secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

President Obama also questioned Hilary Clinton's ability to negotiate while her husband takes money for speaking at foreign nations, yet she is up for Secretary of State. Where is this Change we were promised?