Today I announce I'm a whore.
I've decided that since Microsoft assumes all of their customers are criminals until the customer proves they aren't I'm doing the same. No longer will I be giving out knowledge for free, I'm a professional. To everyone who has relied upon me for Windows advice, the free ride is over. I'll still be happy to help you, but it will now cost you $20 an hour. There are no exceptions, sorry Mom, Adam, Dad, Steve, etc. I'm done supporting your habit of reinstalling an the exact same Operating System that was giving you trouble before without compensation.
I know this seems either self-centered or greedy, or both, however I've told each of you numerous times that Linux will do what you want/need it to do, is free, doesn't get virus', is more secure, and is generally faster. Yet like an addict you go back to your drug of choice. For those that even try by using dual-boot between Linux and Windows, you get free help because you're trying. I'll still support hardware issues such as a RAM upgrade, but as soon as I need to change ANYTHING in the OS is when the meter starts running.
Am I wrong for doing this? Leave a comment if you think I'm a cold-hearted bastard or I'm right on the money.